Filling in your name is considered the same as a signature.

(Click button to download application)
It is understood and agreed that not more than the number of persons shown above will occupy said dwelling. In the event the party or parties herein do not consummate a written lease covering dwelling, this application shall constitute the agreement of the applicant(s) as though it were a fully executed lease, subject, however to the Landlord's investigation and approval of the applicant.
I understand that I acquire no rights in a dwelling until I sign a lease in the form submitted to me and make a deposit equal to one month's rent on the apartment I have selected, which deposit is to be held as long as I occupy the apartment. In case of cancellation, the Security Deposit is forfeited. In consideration of the Landlord's holding this dwelling for me, I hereby waive all rights to the return of this deposit and forfeit as liquidated damages in the event that I do not choose to enter into the lease applied herein.
I recognize that as a part of your procedure and processing my application an investigative consumer report may be prepared, whereby information is obtained through personal interviews, with the credit bureau, landlords, employers, and others whom I may be acquainted. This inquiry includes information as to my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living.
No pets will be allowed on the premises.
The above information, to the best of my knowledge is true and correct.
(Click button to download consumer application)